Aug 10, 2010

My First Blog Post!!

So this is my first blog ever! I decided to do a blog for a couple reasons: to hold myself accountable, to clear my brain when it is too full of "stuff," and to share what I know and my experiences with others. What I'm hoping for with this blog is interaction from others on the topics I post about. I want to see new recipes (including pictures), tips on living a more balanced life, workout ideas, etc. I am looking forward to interacting with whoever decides to follow my blog. I titled my blog, "Balance, Balance, Balance," for a reason...the last couple years and I'm sure for the rest of my life this is my goal and biggest challenge. Balance between my marriage, being a mom, my work, my health, finances, family, fun time, and alone time. It is a definite challenge, but one I look forward to every day! I also plan to use my blog to post my food intake and workouts daily to keep myself more accountable. Some days won't be pretty and feel free to post about your days, too.

Looking forward to hearing from you and thanks for reading!

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