Aug 10, 2010

Diet Philosophies

So when it comes to my diet (when I'm being good, which has sure been a while :), I like to follow the low sugar, high fiber and protein philosophy (ie. Belly Fat Cure, South Beach Diet, etc.). There are so many philosophies out there to follow...what are you doing right now with your diet?

I've been consuming so much "junk" the past few months and this is a hard cycle to break. This week I have been/am transitioning back to limiting my sugars to 15 or less a day, my carbs to 100 or less a day, and making sure to get at least 25g of fiber a day. Anyone else in the process of adjusting their diets to feel better, be healthier, and lose weight?


  1. I have been eating Jack in the Box (I know!) for breakfast on my way to work each workday morning. That's 850 calories for breakfast alone, and I won't even bother saying how much fat. Yesterday I started making myself eat breakfast before I left the house. That alone should really help me shed these extra pounds and keep me from wrestling my jeans on each morning.

    Good luck with the eating, Lis!

  2. Thanks for making me feel better Nick :) My problem has been the little mini chocolates in my boss's office at work...probably averaging 10 a day. I feel so yucky and bloated after eating sugar so I'm ready to go back to the limited sugar diet. Just need to get a grocery shopping trip in and stock up on all the right foods. Glad to hear you are eating breakfast at home now. It is my favorite and easiest meal of the day. My problem is when I'm not at home, which is almost my entire day :)
